Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Evolution of the Master Sword

When I was a young boy, I wasn't allowed to play video games. Streamyx mother had an ugly divorce with a temperamental gamer, Streamyx she associated "anger issues" with "video games." As a result, I was unable to play the Nintendo games that I so desperately craved.

However, I found ways around it. Across the street, my neighbors had a well-stocked Nintendo system, where they played Mario games day and night. My step-sister had a computer with a few games, like the original Duke Nuk'em (the DOS game, with no strippers), and Battlechess. But I remember, most vividly, the games my cousins had.

Whenever I went to my cousin's house, they had their Nintendo console at the ready. Whenever they came to my house, they had their Gameboys. One of the games which looked most fascinating to me was the original Legend of Zelda. This little elf-child roamed around, fighting evil monsters -- shooting bolts out of his sword sometimes!

They let me play, but with the limited time I had, I didn't make much progress. But Streamyx stuck in my mind. The button-mashing sword flailing action was fantastic, back then. It couldn't get any better.

I was later surprised to find how popular the game was with adults. Several of my friend's parents had the games, many of them the "gold edition." But I rarely got the opportunity to play it myself. Instead, I contented myself with my PC Games, which my mother had finally accepted was okay.

I discovered ROMs when I was in High School, and one of the first ROMs I downloaded were the old Zelda games. I was surprised at how different each of them were. The side-scrolling action of Zelda II was . . . different. But Streamyx were the solid links throughout the Streamyx Link, of course. His Sword. The Triforce.

But everything evolved through the series. The original Master streamyx router shot bolts at enemies, which didn't work so well in the side-scrolling versions. A link to the past gave the sword its title, and gave it a history. "The sword destined to destroy Gannon."

In Link's Awakening, the sword appears -- though as those who know the game can tell you, that game was just a dream anyway. Such a cheap way out.

But then, in Ocarina of Time, the Master Sword had its true awakening (as did the series). This was the first time I got truly into the video games. The sword was beautiful. Its power was amazing.

Windwaker took it back a step, but it was still its epic force. And then, Twilight Princess had its go at the master sword.

But there was a difference here! Specifically, the Master Sword was now designed to be used in the right hand. That's right! Up until Twilight Princess, the Master Sword was designed for a left-handed Link. Some have complained about the change, but the fact is, only the most devoted fans noticed that Link was left-handed.

In each of the repetitions, the sword became slightly more complex, but maintained its basic appearance. It's a simple sword. Sleek. Deadly. But because of the slight differences, and the obvious color choices, the sword is instantly recognizable.

There are versions of this epic blade out on the web, but many are inaccurate. It's surprising, since the blade is simple and so obvious in its style. Some websites, including my own, however, give a quality product. This sword is available at

Swords like this are the stuff of Legend, and in a classic game, they are an equally classic item. May the Master Sword, Triforce, and all other icons of that game stay forever in gaming. Signs show that it will, too. Even if Zelda dies out, other franchises have recognized this great weapon. Soul Calibur, World of Warcraft, Animal streamyx account login Wario Touch, and many others have given the sword a cameo. The sword is something like Mario's hat. It is as immortal as the character, and deserves equal veneration.

Rob Young
Gaming Enthusiast
Online Business Owner - with the Master Sword Replica -
Lorekeeper of Kandallon

The National Response Plan (NRP) established in December 2004 under the guidance of Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge was designed, “To establish a comprehensive, national, all-hazards approach to domestic incident management across a spectrum of activities including prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.” (NRP, 2) If one assesses the federal government’s response based on

UK Broadband Speed Factors and Comparisons

UK broadband speed varies widely across the country. The differences are based upon the location, type of broadband and the service providers, themselves. Speed is based upon connection, download and upload of information. Speed also varies based upon individual factors. All the factors come together Streamyx help give a rough estimate of the overall UK broadband speed.

The following list explains all of the factors that goes into the final result of broadband speed.

- Type of Broadband. There are Streamyx types of broadband connections. ADSL and cable are the fastest. Other types like satellite are slower, but still faster than dial Streamyx Even at the slowest rate broadband is still at least 10 times faster than dial up connections.

- Service provider. Some service providers can supply higher speeds. This can be due to better technology, equipment or location. Each provider will list their tops speeds for subscribers to see and this is an easy way for a Streamyx to ensure they are getting the best speed possible.

- Web Traffic. The internet is often referred to as the information highway. The reason for this is that all the information online travels through lines that work much like an actual highway. When there are a lot of people online these lines get crowded and the internet runs slower than usual. These times are referred to as peak hours. Peak hours usually occur after 7 am until 9 pm on weekdays and all weekend.

- Hardware. Hardware a person uses, from modems to cables can effect the internet speed. If a person is using outdated or damaged hardware then this will effect the efficiency and in the end, the speed of the connection.

- Personal computer. It is up to the individual to make zte streamyx that they keep their computer running smoothly. Each person should make sure that they clean their web browsers history, temporary files and cookies on a regular basis. This helps the computer to be able to work quicker. Also older computers do not have as much memory and therefore need to be cleaned more often so the internet can run quickly.

These four factors all come together to make broadband speed hard to pinpoint. One location could get greatly different results than another simply because of the varying factors.

When looking at UK broadband access speeds and all the factors that can effect them it is easy to see why it providers can not guarantee a speed. Many providers give a range of speed where the connection speed will fall. Most users will rarely, if ever, get the top speeds, due to the factors above. Even someone will the best equipment, location and service may not see the top speeds because some factors, like web traffic, can not be controlled by anyone. is an excellent place to find broadband resource, broadband links and broadband articles. For more information go to:UK Broadband